Dealing with PTSD Effectively
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD , is a disorder that is caused due to stressful or traumatic incidents that fall well beyond the general level of anxiety. Since this disorder tends to interfere with an individual’s daily routine to a great extent, it is vital to deal with it as carefully as possibly to bring about a form of normalcy to one’s life. Cause There is no set cause for PTSD to be set-off in someone. The disorder is generally caused due to an individual suffering from a traumatic experience, or perhaps a prolonged distressing event that manages to affect the person to a great extent. This could be a serious accident, assault, witnessing a violent death, losing a loved one, natural calamities, being diagnosed of a life-threatening disease, etc. While not everyone going through traumatic experiences suffer from PTSD, those who have gone through bouts of anxiety or depression in the past are more vulnerable to developing PTSD after a stressf...