Top 5 Recruitment Trends in US
Just like every other industry, technology is rapidly changing the recruitment industry. If updating yourself with these trends is not a part of your to-do, your company can never look like a leader to the job seekers. Keeping the recruiters on their toes, these are the 5 latest trends in Recruitment: 1. Innovators Talking about trends, we cannot miss out on the innovators. Why do firms like Amazon, Google, and Apple have a better than average workforce productivity? It’s because just like their other employees, they look for innovators in hiring teams too. With their newer ideas, these innovators get the spotlight for the company. They make the firm spot the trends and take the leadership position in the market. It might seem challenging to find such innovators. A robust process and an online recruitment platform can go through scores of resumes on online platforms like LinkedIn . 2. ...